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UPWORD Consulting - Week 8
UPWORD Consulting - Week 8
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Hello, everyone, it's your instructor, Luke, and welcome to an ad breakdown. Today we're gonna take a look at a couple of ads, I have a few ads that john sent me that he is using for the agency that he is using himself to get clients with right to give you a demonstration of how that works. And I've rewritten those ads that he's given you. So that you could use them when you don't have proof. And the reason I'm saying that is because his ads are the ones that he's running right now have some proof elements. And I want you I want to show you how you can do without the prove elements, you can use both of these ads as either inspiration, or just use them straight as right. But you could just use them as they are. Both is fine. I would recommend you to try different things out. But I'll, I'll get back to that in a little bit. When we talk about like testing different variations, and different or like optimizations right. But anyway, let's get started we have, we have a Facebook ad and a Google ad. That's sort of how we're doing this. I've also rewritten the Facebook and the Google one, which we'll see in a little bit. But we can start with, with the Facebook one we have right here. So we start with and I'm just going to add the ability for me to like, draw, like this, right? That's nice. So we're going to start with if you have proof, right. So if you already have a couple of clients, then you can use that to your advantage. And you can use the results that you've gotten with your clients, you can leverage that to get your next clients, right, you can use it as a track record. But you're going to have to write that in your copy for other people to know that you have done things before, right. So we have, we have this Facebook, ad. And before I tackle these different sections, I just want to show you how that sort of looks like so we just draw a quick template. So Facebook ads tend to have this top copy, which is the section that you have above, then in the middle that you tend to have an image or you have some sort of other options. You can have videos, you can have images, you can have like changing images, images, you got you got a bunch of different stuff. So you have the top copy the you have the image or some some visual element. And then here you have the headline. And then underneath you have the caption, right. So that's sort of how how Facebook ads are going to look like. So I want you to keep that in mind when you're reading these. So let me just delete that again. You don't need to see that my amazing drawing skills. Okay, so let's actually go to the copyright. So we have these Facebook ads. And we have proof. And we are going to demonstrate that proof when we're talking to our when we're showing this ad to our prospect, right? So let's see our innovative WordPress site designed, generated seven and a half million dollars in sales and over 5000 leads for our clients in 2020. So this on its own is a proof element, right? This is a statement of, look, this is what we've done, right? This is what we've achieved. And this is what we could possibly do for you too. As in we can sort of like give them an indirect promise that these results that we have, we could potentially like the results that we have for other clients, we could potentially give you to write, at least that's the see idea with giving a proof element or putting some proof in here, right? I would personally if I would write this, I would have a claim here. Before I would have the proof element. So I would say something like or maybe a maybe even a question, excuse me, maybe even a question, right? Either a question or a claim. So you can either say we are an ROI focused business, and we help our clients get the best return on their money, right? And then you could say, you know, our WordPress website designs generate seven and a half million dollars in sales and 5000 leads and so on, right? Because then the the proof element supports the claim, the claim becomes very strong and very believable, because we have the we have the proof element. Right. And that is a technique that I see a lot of financial copywriters use. It's a it's a technique I use myself as well, which is basically the claim proof benefit sequence, right. So first we say a claim, then we say proof. And then we say a benefit. It's very strong, and I highly recommend you to use it when you're writing your own copy. I'm not sure how many of you are going to be writing your own copy versus just using ads or these kinds of ad templates and Sort of modifying them, right. But if you end up writing them yourself, which I highly recommend you do keep that like proof circuit, as I like to call them in mind, you know, the CPB. So I would I would introduce some sort of claim at the start, instead of just immediately go with the proof, also, because I think it would give you, it would pull a little bit more attention, right, instead of just the proof. And then after that, we asked the question, so we asked one to experience the same results for your business this year. Right, I would have moved this question up a little bit, and said something like, I would have started with this question, right? It was like, do you want to experience results and growth for your business this year, right. And then say, then say the proof. And at the end, this is good. This is another benefit, right? Or this is sort of like a benefit. We're a team dedicated to getting real ROI on boosting your bottom line, not just new likes and website visitors. Right? So this is like this is a pure benefit. And that's really good. By the way, excuse my poor writing skills. I hope it's still somewhat readable. So these benefits you like this is good benefit is good, the question I would have moved upward. And the probe element is fine. All in all, I think this is a good ad. This is really good stuff. And then the headline, we're, we're seeing reserve your free strategy session. So this is, again, if you have that little drawing that I made, right, and if this is the top copy, and then we have the image in the middle, then like the headline is this first line that you would see, right, it's a it's a call to action. It's the big, big, black bold letters that you would see on the ad, right. And then underneath, we have the caption book your call with us today. So this would be the CTA. And then here's a little bit of a description of the CTA. Okay, so that's the Facebook ad. Hopefully, that's been somewhat useful already. Now, let's go to the Google ad. So we have our second second ad, the Google ad. With Google ads, you will have basically generally, how they're lined up is that you will have several headlines that you can use. And then you have several descriptions that are then sort of like all stuck together to create this little Google ads that you would see if you like type anything on Google, right? Like if you go Google, you know, whatever product that you're looking for, you're probably going to see these little ads, right? So with our Google Ad right here, let's see websites with impressive ROI. Right? This is a description, or no, this is not a description. This is a service or product, right? So we are indicating or leading on with our product, this is what the person is going to get. Or this is the first thing they might see. Right. And then here we have our CTA, which is book your strategy session. And then here again, we have, you know, the product or service service rate custom WordPress themes, right. So this is, again, the service, the service that you can get, and as the description for the Google ad, it's basically just a condensed version of the Facebook app. Right? So we say our team generated seven and a half million in sales for our clients plus over 5000 leads in 2020. how, you know, question again. So here, we first have our proof element, right? And then we ask the question, and then we answer the question by saying, because of our custom WordPress themes, we get real results. Right. And then we end with a CTA to get in touch with us, right? So I think that this is fine. This is good. You could also pose with a question at the start, however, with Google ads, because they're a little more condensed them because there's because they're smaller, I think it's actually fine to lead with a proof to prove element. What you can also do is you can really try to intrigue the reader in like these small ads. So you might have like a little bit of interesting info that is then only partially revealed. And if you want to know more, right, then you're going to have to click on the ad. And that in sensitize people to actually go and click on the app, and to see whatever's on the other side. Right. So those are the Facebook and Google ads that you can use when you have some sort of elements of proof. And when you have a track record, and you have the numbers that you can back your art even up with, right, but since many of you are most of you, I'm not sure we'll just be starting With your agency, right, you're just in the Corps and you're starting up your agency. Most of you won't have those numbers, because you're just beginning, right? So you can't have those prove elements because you haven't done them yet. So because of that, I rewrote this same sort of ad, or the same, the same sort of structure. And I wrote it into a more general ad that's more based around the promises, and the potential benefits you can give them, because that's sort of the only thing you can do if you don't have the proof. Right? So let's, let's go into that. So again, a Facebook and a Google ad, it's a little bit longer, but that shouldn't be your problem. So again, we have a Google and we have a Facebook ad. And this is definitely for if you don't have proof, right? If you don't have proof that you can use this one. So as a starter, we're starting with a claim. Right? Every business wants to grow. And the nice thing with a statement like this is that it it taps into an existing notion. It's absence of an existing notion that the audience is already going to have right, they're going to agree with this. We don't need to prove them that every business wants to grow, they're probably going to be like, yeah, I have a business, and I want to grow. So that's perfectly fine. Right? Another thing you could do here is instead of the claim, or the statement, you could have also turned this into a question, right? Do you want to grow your business, that's also pretty attention grabbing, and pretty good. First start, he used one of the two, you could use the claim where you say every business wants to grow. But I might even say that the question is even better, right? Do you want your business to grow, feels a lot more like engaging and direct, then every business wants to grow. But those are like tiny little things that you can change. I wouldn't recommend focusing too much on those small changes if you're optimizing your copy. But they might be worth doing. So once you've had, or once you hit like, a successful app, right. So I'm going to talk about that in a little bit what I mean with that, but generally what it comes down to you want to test different ads, and then the moment you you strike one that has a lot of good results, and that has good conversions. That's when you want to start testing those micro things, right. Basically, the whole premise is, if you optimize for your ads, you want to do shout tests first. So you make big changes. And then once you have something that works, you want to have small changes to optimize those big changes, if that makes any sense, right. So first, you change large parts. So the angle, the you know, the the the opening, just the the full argument of whatever ad that you're putting online. To conclude, if you want to optimize your ads, you should change, you know, in drastic ways first, and then once you have that app that works, that's when you want to start optimizing the granular stuff, don't do it the other way around. If you have an ad that doesn't work, don't focus on the micro changes, just make a huge change, and then see if that huge change works, right, like tell a different story show a different argument. But before I go on this whole tangent, let's let's continue with what we've got here. So we had our claim, and we had our question, you know, every business wants to grow. And this is an existing notion. So they will believe, or they we don't really need any proof in order to, you know, get this for them to accept, if that makes sense, right? So every business wants to grow, but it's often difficult to pinpoint which improvements make the most ROI. Another statement, right, another claim or statement, but this one's more a validation. So validation of the feelings that they have, right? Our target audience is someone who wants to go to an agency, and who wants to get an expert that's going to do their marketing for them, right. They to do their SEO to do their pay traffic, or email automations for them instead of doing them themselves, because it's a task that they don't have experience with. Or they might feel overwhelmed. So this this sentence or this claim that goes after the average, every business wants to grow sort of as like a condition. It's like you want to grow, but there's this obstacle, there's this condition that's keeping you from doing what you want to do, right. And then we we give some examples, and this is normally called to dimensionalize. So we add another dimension to the argument, right? So instead of just keeping it with the statement, we can give examples and those examples can sort of function as proof for our previous statement. It isn't proof in the sense where it's like actual proof proof, right? It's not we have 5000 leads per year that we gave to our customers or we generated X amount of money. It's more proof out of examples and a logical argument, right? So we can do that to sort of like strengthen our copy or strengthen our argument. A lot of this stuff really is just how to argue and persuade well, so use these examples to make that previous claim stronger. So let's let's continue. But it's often to pinpoint, but it's often difficult to pinpoint which improvements make the most ROI, okay, claim, right. And then our prove as examples, we say, there's so much to choose from, again, this is also a validation for their emotion, right? For that feeling of being overwhelmed, so we're validating them, we're reassuring them. And then we give the example, SEO, paid traffic, ads, email automation, email, automations, ad optimizing any of them could move the needle significantly. So again, we are we're tying this back, right, we're repeating the same statement where we say it's difficult to pinpoint which improvements make the most ROI. So we say, hey, you can get ROI from these improvements. But then we say there are a lot of them. And then we sort of repeat this, the same argument that we say that optimizing any of them could move the needle significantly, right? So there are a lot of them to choose from. But if you get the right one, you can make money, right? There's a sense of consistency. This is a concept that I find rather interesting, like the consistency, the consistency of your argument, or of your sales message needs to be well consistent. Because if it's not, then your reader is going to, like feel some sort of weird, emotional mismatch, and they're just gonna think that you're lying, right? Or they're just gonna think that you're hyping something up, and most likely, you probably are, right, the more consistent you are, the more truthful you are. And the more truth we are, the more consistent you are, if that makes any sense, right? So consistency is something that's really good. And I recommend you to be consistent in your messaging, right? If you're making a claim, like claim x, don't just suddenly start talking about something that's completely different, because it will feel like you're trying to mislead them. Or it will feel as if you're sort of like beating around the bush, right, instead of just focusing on that main topic. So consistency is an interesting concept. And generally, consistencies is sort of a trigger. In, you know, psychologically, in your mind, whenever you see something that isn't consistent, you will think that it's off, right? I don't mean to say like, fake a consistency, I need to say, show that truth, right? That you're want to display your honest, transparent message, but be consistent with that message. Those are changing things up all the time, because it's just going to feel weird. And, you know, your reader won't know what the hell you mean. Or they will think that you're trying to employ some smokescreen, and trying to like divert their attention, right. So consistency is something important that I would recommend you to think about. It is a little bit high level as a concept, I suppose. So we don't really need to go into too much detail. But I thought it'd be interesting dimension. So what works best, then we continue, but what works best for your ideal customer and your business. So we impose a condition, right? We say you can get these results. And you can move the needle significantly using any of these methods, but only if you know, what works best for your customer and your business. Right. And that is sort of the USP that we're selling as the agency, right? We are able to help you find what works or what works best for your business and what works best for your customer. Right? So this condition is essentially showing them or it's sort of like creating the value or displaying the service that we're doing without actually showing what we're doing right. We're not straight up telling them, hey, you should work with us. No, we're, we're telling them indirectly, that they need to know what works best for their business and their situation, right and not just randomly try any strategy, right? And then we further validate this this question. So we have this question, but what works best for your ideal customer, your business? And then we answer it? Well, we don't really answer but we partially answer it. We say it's a tough question. So again, we validate and then we say that it's even more so when you're busy running the show. So it's even harder to you know, to get your know to get your marketing strategy out and get it to work. And it's even harder to figure out what to do when you're sober. With everything else, right? So this validation, again, is consistent with the validation of overwhelm, right? So we like feeling overwhelmed. So at the start, we said, like, Hey, you might be feeling overwhelmed, right? Because there's so much to choose from. And then here like just a little bit further, we again, talk about that same argument. And this is, this is a concept that several, very, like famous and very good copywriters advocate. And it's, it's the idea of the the rule of one or the idea of one, which is to stick with one thing, when you're explaining it, right, or when you're presenting some sort of information, don't go in every direction, like stick with one thing. And in this ad, that's what I've tried to do as well. Right? I tried to stick with the same emotions, and with the same statements and the same argument, like from the start until the end, right, because that's the stance I'm taking. And that's, in a way, it's very transparent to the reader, right? They will know exactly what I mean, they will know what my messages and that message is consistent throughout the entire communication that we're having, right? So then we refer to validate that and sort of through this, we have created a problem, right, we've sort of sketched our problem, we've sketched the problem that, hey, you can get your business to grow. But you can only do it if you know how to you know how to employ your strategy with your business, right? Because there's so many different strategies to choose from, you need to get the right one for your for your business and your customer. So that's their problem. And then here, we're going to provide the solution, right? We're going to say x. So that's your that's your agency name. We design WordPress sites and help you find and execute, you know, we're not only providing a consulting service, we are also providing the actual execution of it, of your ideal plan. So you can target those areas, which makes you most returns, right, so this is the solution. This is the solution. And you can get this problem solved. And you can let your business grow, if you let us help you, right. And that's actually what I'm doing here. I'm telling them, but we can only help if we know how your business works, what your goals are, and what your unique situation looks like. So again, we're imposing a condition, right? a logical condition, where we say, we can only help you, if you show us what your business looks like, right? And that's, again, it ties back into the argument we were giving before, where we said, we can only help when we know what your situation is, right? So this was actually not this close. But it was back here. Right? what works best for your ideal customer and your business? Well, we can only help if we know how your business works, what your goals are, and what your unique situation looks like. So as you can see, there's a lot of repetition in this ad. And that sort of that idea of consistency I wanted to talk about, you get one angle and you explore that angle, and you're very transparent with it, you're very consistent with that angle. And what that will do to your reader is they'll just see an ad, that seems clear, that is honest, that is straightforward. And that they can know immediately with like, and that they can immediately tell with what it's going to do for them. Right, they'll immediately know what this is about, and if if this is going to be valuable to them. And then at the end, we we have a CTA, where we say let's discuss strategy. This is quite, this is not really aggressive. This is quite, you know, friendly, just let's discuss strategy, right? You can be more aggressive, I suppose you could say something like book your call now. Or book, your book, your session now, or calls today, something like that, right? You can be more more aggressive. I went with a more friendly approach, because I felt it was more appropriate in the emotion that I've tried to convey with this ad rate with this ad. And generally like how I write my ads is that I want mine to feel as if I'm talking with a friend. I'm a big fan of ads that are more on the honest and on the enthusiastic and on the friendly side instead of ads that are on the you know, fear instilling and using all these, you know, coercive methods to get someone to be interested in what I'm saying, right? Like in the end, we're selling something and we are asking for someone's business. So we do have to have some sort of sales messaging in there. But I feel the more transparent and the more honest we can be. You know, so long we talk about things that are truthful Right, so long as we're not lying, then I think it's okay to have some sort of sales messaging in there, right? We're still honing down on some problem or some issue that the person has, right. So we're saying, you know, there's so much to choose from SEO, pay traffic ads, email automations, we're talking about this problem, right? We're honing in on that problem. And we're not honing in on that problem, because we're, you know, we're just randomly doing that, right. I mean, we feel at least I would feel empathetic towards the reader that they're dealing with this problem, that the reason why we're also displaying this problem is because we have a solution, right? That's the whole the whole sales mechanism, right? We want to, we want to raise that problem. Like, if they have them, we want to show them, you have this problem. And we can solve it, right. So that's like, we still have some sort of sales mechanism. But we can just be truthful and honest, in how we convey our messaging, like, we can be friendly, we don't need to be chorus up while we do it. That's a little bit of a moral ethics thing that I tend to think of when I'm writing copy, I'm not sure how relevant This is. So let's go next into the headline. So the headline just like before, is this is just as this bold text that's going to be underneath the image, right? So it's like this text here, that's going to be the headline. So what we have here, from what I wrote was, let's strategize together, book, your free call now. So this is, again, it's a CTA, it's quite, it's quite like I don't know, it's not too aggressive. It's not too direct, you know, book, your free call, it's a little bit more than let's discuss strategy, but I think that's fine. Um, like I said before, I wouldn't really worry too much about these smaller details. Optimize smaller details, once you have an ad that works. For all I know, this ad is going to bomb and it's not going to work at all. But that's sort of the nature of the game. How this business works is that it's all about optimization, and trying different angles, right? So right now we tried this angle of Hey, it's, it's very difficult to pick the right strategy to use for your business, right? It could be that no one is really no responsive to this, this message, right? to this story that were conveyed. So we'd have to try something else. So we could maybe try an angle where they're not getting success, right? We could say something like, Are your ads not performing? You know, are you not getting any Seo? growth, or you're not getting any traffic to your business? Right, we could really focus on one specific problem, maybe. And then we could see how that would go. Right. So we would try these different variations and these different angles. And what that would do is it would let us test until we find one ad, that works well. And then once we have that ad that works well, we would want to start optimizing it on the smaller scale right on the sentence to sentence basis, instead of on the large, you know, bigger picture basis. So that's the headline, and then the caption is optimize your business today. Again, it's just a simple CTA, just take some action and do it now. Right. I would maybe even say not to have today in there, just to say optimize your business, maybe just even now, right? Um, the next we have our Google ad. And this is going to be quite similar to the first one that we looked up ROI focused websites, you know, that's their product, or service. Book a free strategy session. That's a CTA, I included free because I want the reader to know that this is free. Then we have customized WordPress sites. Again, it's our product or service. Can't really rate There we go. And then we just have our descriptions here, right, optimize your digital presence for maximum ROI. So this is a benefit. I can rate. So this is a benefit slash or promise, right? We're promising them that they can do this, target your ideal customer another benefit and boost conversions to generate more leads and sales. And that's another benefit. Right? Another benefit. And last but not least, is Book your free strategy session, or Fred free strategy call today. So this is our CTA. Yeah, as you can see, the Google ads are quite simple. They're not too special or too complex. They're just most of the time. They're just condensed versions of whatever benefits or intrigue that you want to display. Right. So that has been this Recording or this breakdown of these ads, I hope it's been useful. I hope I didn't go too much a random tangents, I hope that they have been useful, if I've been too rambling. And I would just say, like, use these ads, you're gonna, you're gonna have them in a, you're gonna have access to these files, like either use them as they are, and test them. I can't promise you if they work, but I can promise you that it's the starting point, right? test them, see how it works. And then start optimizing, try a different angle, try rewriting some stuff. And before I forget, I wanted to show you how you can include proof once you have it. Right. So with this ad, it was all written if you don't have any proof, right? And if you remember before, I said the CP be mechanism, right? Like in the in the beginning, like right here. I said the CPV right, the claim prove? I don't know where there is no why that disappeared. So we have the claim. Proof benefit thing, right. So this is what I would use, if I would have proof if I would have a track record, if I would have numbers, right. And but I would for example do is if you look at this claim, which is optimizing any of them could move the needle significantly, right? This is a claim or this is a promise that because we don't have any proof. It's not it might not be as believable as it would be when we have proof. So if you would get these results, if you would get the leads, and if you get the money that you've generated for your clients, you could easily like, underneath this sentence mentioned that right, you could say and optimizing any of them could move the needle significantly. And then you could say, together with our customers know, together with our clients. We've You know, we've done x, y, z, right? We've boosted conversions. When we started doing one of these things, right? We're like, tell us success story. Like when we work together with you know, when we work together with client x, we got them to to grow their conversions, you know, three times as much as it was before, right, you can sort of like inject these prove elements after you make these kinds of claims to make them stronger. And that's sort of the point I was I was trying to make. So now for the real actual ending. It didn't mean to continue on some more theory, but I think it would be useful that you know that right like you would know how to inject the proof in your in your copy. So to end this with I hope it's been useful. I enjoyed doing these you have any questions, feel free to email me or send me a message on like any anywhere where you find me, and I will reply to you as soon as I can. So thank you very much, and I wish you much luck on your copywriting journey and with your agency journey as well.