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UPWORD Consulting - Week 4
UPWORD Consulting - Week 4
I want to help as many freelancers and agency owners generate high-value WordPress projects consistently and predictably and will keep the training and weekly support 100% free for as long as I can.
The resources in this course are crazy valuable ($15,000 worth of resources - but you won't pay anywhere near that), from all of my proposal templates, to legal agreements, to a fully built out WordPress agency site, these premium resources can help accelerate your growth.
You won't find another course like this that is so affordable and packed with so much valuable content. Unlock the resources today!
Hey, everyone, welcome to week four and module one. And this week, we're gonna be covering all things WordPress. So by this point, you've done your customer avatar, you created and sent your strategy proposal to your client, they approved it, you've sent out any agreements, if necessary, you've received the first payment, and you have the design of all pages of the new site approved. Now it's time for us to hand over the designs to our WordPress developer for them to get the front end coded up and WordPress integrated so the site will actually function.
In these modules, we're going to be covering why you should outsource how to vet developers and the five step process to properly vet any developer partner how to scope a project, even if you don't have a technical background. Once we go through these modules, I'm also going to be bringing in one of the co founders of my preferred partner agency called Aloa, they actually created a lot of this content to help freelancers and agency owners like myself, to be able to scale your agency so that you can focus on growing your business and not have to worry so much if the development is being taken care of properly. With high quality making sure that no, no corners are cut, especially again, if you don't have a big technical background. I know I didn't when I first started. And there's a lot of over promising and under delivering. And these modules are going to help set you up for success. I know it can be scary when working with a developer who says all the right things, especially if you don't have a technical background, like I've mentioned, I know because when I was first starting out, I had very little experience and had no idea what to be looking for when it came to developing WordPress sites. The good news is, is after you get through this week of modules, you're gonna have two very powerful options for you to utilize. Whichever route you decide to go, these trainings will be invaluable, and will help you sleep better at night knowing that projects are being handled with quality and attention to detail. Because at the end of the day, the quality of work from the developers you hire will be a direct reflection of your agency. And we want to make sure that we train you on how to ensure that your brand and reputation is always protected. And honestly, it's just so much more enjoyable when you're working with a development partner that you know and trust and it just makes the whole project smoother, and things get done efficiently. And you don't have to worry and stressed out so much and at the end of the day, your clients are going to be much happier because they're going to have a much higher quality product. So that's basically the overview of week one. Let's hop into the next module.